SW Snap On Magazine Carriers
This model magazine carrier is very popular due to the easy on and off, unlike a belt slide carrier.
These are offered for not just magazines but knives, multi-tools, lights and more.
It is available in single, double and triple.
Options: exotic hides, choice of cant, shirt guard and more.
Single: $60
Double: $90
Triple: $105
Belt Slide Magazine Carriers
A classic and proven design that will serve the user well for years to come.
These are offered for not just magazines but knives, multi-tools, lights and more.
It is available in single, double or triple.
Options: exotic hides, choice of cant, shirt guard and more.
Single: $45
Double: $75
Triple: $90
SW Special Handcuff Carrier: $60
Please specify if you have chain or hinge handcuffs.
Options: Choice of ride height, colors and exotic hides
Belt Slide Handcuff Carrier: $50
Please specify if you have chain or hinge handcuffs.
Options: Choice of ride height, colors and exotic hides.
Magazine and Handcuff Carriers:
SW Special: $90
Belt Slide: $80
Please specify chain or hinge handcuffs.
Options: You can choose from magazine, light or expandable baton. Cant and position of magazine, light, baton. Colors and exotic hides.
Pocket Holsters and Pocket Magazine Carriers
I offer two pocket holster styles: clam shell and pancake. Unlike some, I can modify either design to suit the individual, within reason. IE: I can add a "horn" to the wing, on the grip side. Some like that style where others want it flat and as far from the grip as possible. There is no extra charge for this or other "simple" adjustments. I have even built some to have a "wallet flap" to help conceal the pistol as a back pocket holster.
Options: exotic hides. No red dots.
Pricing: $75 for either pocket holster.
The pocket magazine carrier I offer is the clam shell style. Very simple, no frills.
Options: Exotic hides.
Pricing: $40
IWB Magazine Carrier
As of now, I am only offering a clip on IWB carrier. It was designed for primarily appendix carry, but it can be worn at 9/3.
Due to the unique reverse fold, it can only be ordered with bullets forward. This design also helps get it closer towards the belt buckle for ease of draw.
Options: choice of clip, shirt guard, exotic hides.
Price: $55